Dr. Tanawan Carraway

Senior Program Specialist, Yunus Center, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand

Dr. Tanawan Carraway

Senior Program Specialist, Yunus Center, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand


Asst. Prof. Dr. Tanawan Carraway is a medical technologist and biomedical scientist. She is currently a senior program specialist at the Yunus Center at the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. She has over 15 years of experience working in the field of biomedical sciences, which includes HIV diagnosis and monitoring testing, mother-to-child transmission of HIV, molecular diagnosis of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), laboratory management, and biosafety. She is co-authoring the Thailand National Guidelines on HIV/AIDS Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention by the Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand from 2014 to the present. She believes that social business can complement the existing public health system and increase access to primary health care, especially in low-resource settings. She currently works actively with communities and partners to deliver primary health care to reach remote areas and also leads community-based social business development programs.

All sessions by Dr. Tanawan Carraway

[D1S4P] Paper Presentation (Sl 00-00)

28 Aug 2024
Kojin Kaikan Main Hall