[D1S2P] Hospital Visit (10 persons)

28 Aug 2024
Reporting Place: Networking room

[D1S2P] Hospital Visit (10 persons)

Hiroshima University Hospital introduced “Hinotori,” the first surgical robot system produced in Japan, to their facility. It performed a prostate cancer removal surgery on March 23, 2024 HU Hospital is the fifth facility in Japan to perform surgery using the “Hinotori” system. “Hinotori” has eight movable axes that act as joints and four arms to which medical instruments such as endoscopic cameras and forceps can be attached. In this surgery, Professor Nobuyuki Hinata of the Department of Urology sat in the cockpit and operated a controller while viewing detailed three-dimensional images to remove the affected part. The surgery went smoothly and was completed in 2 hours and 10 minutes. The surgery was performed with minimal blood loss and with little burden on the patient. HU Hospital is equipped with two US-made “Da Vinci” surgical robots, which perform robotic surgery for prostate, kidney, and bladder cancers. The hospital is gradually expanding the range of surgeries it can perform to include gastric and esophageal cancers and has decided to introduce “Hinotori” as its third unit. Participants can enjoy Hinotori. Only 10 seats available.