Amika Rois

Lecturer, Institut Tarumanagara, Jakarta, Indonesia

Amika Rois

Lecturer, Institut Tarumanagara, Jakarta, Indonesia


Completed Diploma 4 Midwifery program at STIKES Bina Permata Medika Tangerang, in 2012 and Graduated Masters dergree From Health Universitas Indonesia Timur Makassar in 2015. Apart from his role as a Lecturer he also held the concurrent position as Head of the Diploma 4 Midwife Educator Program in 2017-2018, as head of the Research and Community Service section at STIKes Tarumanagara in 2018-203, and as Head of the Diploma III Medical Recording and Health Informatics Study Program at the Tarumanagara Institute. Apart from his role in higher education, he currently also plays a role as administrator of the Association of Medical Records and Higher Education Institutions (APTIRMIIKI) for the Jabobetabek and Banten Regions in the 2019-2024 period. Activities as a lecturer in the last 3 years consisted of 6 research and 6 community service activities as well as publishing 3 books.


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All sessions by Amika Rois

[D2S5P] Digital Health Campus Model for Developing Countries

29 Aug 2024
Kojin Kaikan Main Hall