Md Shoaib Bhuiyan

Professor, Suzuka University of Medical Science, 1001-1 Kishioka, Suzuka, Japan 510-0293

Md Shoaib Bhuiyan

Professor, Suzuka University of Medical Science, 1001-1 Kishioka, Suzuka, Japan 510-0293


Md Shoaib Bhuiyan joined the Faculty at the Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan in 1996, after earning a doctorate degree from its Electrical & Computer Engineering department. In 2000, he joined the Suzuka University of Medical Science, Mie, Japan as a tenured faculty member where he is now a Professor at the Heath Data Science department. He teaches or has taught courses on programming, database, image processing, human interface, AI and machine learning. His research involves application of image processing and machine learning technologies in the Intelligent Transportation System (using image data obtained from multiple sensors inside and outside the vehicle) and in biomedical setting. An IEEE Senior member, he has reviewed articles for many international journals and conferences. He has chaired or co-chaired sessions at several flagship IEEE conferences. He serves as a member of the Technical Committee for several international Conferences on related fields. He served as an editorial board member of IEEE PULSE, a flagship publication of the IEEE Engineering and Medicine in Biology Society (IEEE-EMBS), during 2015 – 2018. He has authored or coauthored 80 peer-reviewed articles and has a Japanese Patent # 2012-068841 on awakening device for vehicle.


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